Saturday, October 11, 2014

Dear Mr. President 

     I have been watching the news,lately, and I cannot help but noticing that in your role as commander in chief of the armed forces you have been less than what I would call successful.  Why is this, Mr. President?  Is it because you have a master plan to defeat ISIS that you are cleverly disguising as incompetence or are you just a guy that doesn't have a clue?  Foe the sake of expedience and the desire to stay on subject, I am not going to mention all of the less than constitutional methods you have used to try and move your agenda for the future of America forward.  Let me discuss only your role as commander in chief.  In your own words you have committed not only yourself but our entire nation to dismantle and destroy ISIS.  Well spoken, Mr. Pres, well spoken indeed.  But then speaking is what you do best, isn't it.  The follow up to the words seems to be where you run into some difficulty.  Just exactly whose advice are you taking to heart,anyway.  It couldn't be the advice of the military experts who actually have some combat experience.  Are you\listening to that Valerie bitch again?  Hate to break it to you but if she knew shit from shinola I'd be amazed.  By the way, she don't know shit from shinola is a military expression.  You may not be aware of that because I seriously doubt that you can tell the difference.  Let me get closer to the point I would like to make by saying that I understand your reluctance to get reinvolved in a ground war in Iraq and apparently, Syria.  I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that you know where these places are geographically located.  I will, for the sake of argument, also assume that you are aware of what a Muslim is.  Mr. President, I hate to piss on your Cheerios but if we're fighting people from that area then there's a real good chance that they are Muslims.  I understand your reluctance to say that we are wanting to bomb the shit out of a bunch of Muslims. You do, however, understand that those Muslims really would like to bomb the shit out of us.  I agree with your theory that not all Muslims are bad.  There is no statement with more truth.  Neither were all the Germans and Japanese in WW11 bad nor were all of the North Vietnamese bad.  That fact didn't seem to stop us from bombing the shit out of them now did it. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you're gonna bomb somebody bomb the shit out of them.  Hell, the planes are there just out more munitions on them.  Do you actually think the enemy will hate us more for dropping more bombs?  One is probably one over their acceptable limit.  Know what I mean, dude?  The whole boots on the ground thing is also causing some confusion in my head(not a comfortable feeling).  Did you mean actual boots or will sandals suffice?  The reason I ask is that there are a whole bunch of people in Iraq and Syria who already seem to be shooting in the direction of the bad guys.  These people are called Kurds.  You don't have to train them a whole lot because they have been fighting for their survival for quite some time, now.  The problem is that they don't have the weapons and ammunition to get the job done.  It seems that we armed the Iraq army with some cool shit and they accidentally gave that cool shit to ISIS.  Imagine that, cause the Iraqi army didn't run when we fought them, or did they?  Same guys, Mr Pres, same guys.  If you want to look like a leader by beating the shit out of ISIS then there are four things that need to be done: understand that those particular Muslims are our enemy,  arm the Kurds to the teeth and tell them to attack, attack, attack.  bomb the shit out of anybody who gets in our way and finally, don't worry about what anybody says about your methods.  Show some balls.  Do this and you will have a great victory.  If you don't do this it will not end well for the USA.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hello, hello, hello.  Welcome  to the newest post on the cash chronicles.  I've spent some time, lately, wondering what topic to discuss on this website.  There is so much to discuss in the world today.  We've got, ISIS, or ISIL,depending on your political affiliation.  We have the ebola crisis, which may or may not be the death of us all.  Don't forget about the so important political race to control the senate.  like that really will have an effect on the governing of our great nation.  I have decided, not to write about the pressing problems facing our nation, today, but to discuss those who relate the important stories to we, the people.  Yes, I am gonna  fuck with those who profess to be "journalists".  To begin, I feel the need to define what a true journalist is.  In my reality a journalist is one who records and sometimes reports the facts. There can be no sympathy in the eyes of a true journalist.  If you wonder what a true journalist is, there is an easy test. Picture a rabid dog preparing to attack a small child.  You have a gun in your hand.  The question is, do you shoot the dog  or do you let events proceed without interfering.  If you choose to shoot the dog then you are a good person , however you are not a journalist in the true sense of the word.  It is not the place of an unbiased observer to interfere with the natural occurance of events.  End of story.  Today's media, in my opinion, is not capable of true journalistic action.  This is an unfortunate fact.  In our world of instantaneous information and the desire to have the best ratings on television the so called journalists who bring us our so called fair and balanced information are nothing more than a tool.  Whose tool they are is for you to decide. I only state that they are without a doubt, a tool.  My use of the term " fair and balanced" was not intended in any way demean Fox news and their capable correspondents.  Hell, I watch Fox all the time.  Can't say much good about some of them but Megyan Kelly is the bomb'  Anyway,  The news media today is quite the joke, I think.  The biggest joker of all would be  good ole Al Sharptin.  He is about the worst example of a journalist as I,ve ever seen.  Is it all about race, dude?  I guess what I am tryin to say is that true journalism does exist, today, but you probably will not find it on the television networks in this country. 

Saturday, September 27, 2014

  If you are reading this blog right now, I thank you for your attention.  I can only hope to keep your attention by relating my thoughts and perspectives on the world we live in and the life we all share.  Let me first introduce myself.  My pen name is Jobecash.  I am an American male aged 59 years.  I am not  beholding to any particular political affiliation.  I consider myself a journalist and a self-professed philosopher.  I am not of any particular social class.  It would be nice if I could be perceived as "Everyman".  I love life.  I love people and I love the truth.  In today's world of  technological media it is very easy to miss the truth in a landslide of cleverly skewed and controlled information.  I hope that I can relate my particular philosophies in a simple and unbiased collection of thoughts that I feel the need to share.  

     Since I have chosen to share my insights on life, I feel it necessary to define life.  All living things have two points of certainty.  If we live then we have a beginning and an end,  That is certain.  What comes between the beginning and the end is our individual life.  In my opinion, the time frame that comes between the beginning and the end of a human life is pretty much just killing time.  As human beings, we seem to have been afforded some variety of choice in how we make that journey.  What never ceases to amaze me is the lengths that individuals or mankind as a whole will go to in order to complicate each and every aspect of our lives.

     I have been taught that it is the human brain that separates us from the other forms of life on this planet.  I believe this statement to be a fact.  Mankind was definitely blessed with a great mental capacity.  According to some schools of thought we only even use about ten percent of our brain's potential.  That assertion, if true, leaves me bewildered at the potential each and every one of us has at our command.  So why is it, I wonder, that we devote so much of our mental capacity in search of ways to become self destructive?  I have been a witness to mankind's ventures for almost six decades and to this day the answer to that particular question still escapes me.  We claim to value life above all else.  Our collective actions tell a different story.   Can we ever find a harmonious existence with each other and the non-human forms of life on this planet?  What would that be like? 

Friday, September 26, 2014

welcome to the internet site that will truthfully  bring you the facts  and  sometimes opinions that will cause you to think about the events that are dictating our world opinion on life as we know it..